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Design during Covid period
After more than a year from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic also the world of design and furniture gave immediately its respond to fight against this horrible virus. It promoted different kind of initiatives.
Edonart wanted to tell you about three stories completely different each others about this incredible sector. We think in our own little that everybody has to give our own contribution during this difficult situation and we want to celebrate the ideas we loved.

Corona Virus is still here, after more than a year, this cursed virus that brought to its knees the entire world, is still present in our everyday life and we cannot close our eyes and believe that the virus doesn’t exist.
The world of design, like many other sectors, wanted to give its support in the fight against the Covid-19.
A lot of famous designers and architects have given full rein to their creativity. They used their public image combining their creations with the technological progress.
Ronald Sasson, the famous Brazilian international designer gave his big contribution. During his life he won almost thirty international awards and prizes all around the world for his creations. His job is focused on the modern reinterpretation of the classic items of common use which surround his life. To fight against the virus, Sasson has developed a sanitizer shoe-rack. He took the idea from the Japanese culture in which is common courtesy to leave the shoes outside the entrance of the house. “The shoes transmit the virus in a very easy way” these are the words of the famous designer. The idea to create a shoe-rack provided with an ultraviolet light was born from this thought. The project attended at the social campaign #DesignContraOCorona created by Casa Vogue Brasil.
This small object is provided with a spotlight in the inner upper part and with a timer that check the time required to sanitize the shoes. All the entire process is completely safe for the user and it is designed to avoid every damage.
According to data provided, the elevator is one of the most dangerous place in which the risk of transmission is very high. More than the sizes (usually the ones of the apartment buildings are very small), the risk is hide in the hand control and in the handles.
To respond of this problem IGV Group, an international leader company situated in Milan concerning the design and the installation of elevators over the past fifty years, has created CARe. CARe is a kit which should be installed inside the elevators to sanitize the air inside the cabin and killing all the bacteria in the ambient. The kit is composed by an ultraviolet light, the same using in medical ambient, which kills all the bacteria while a ventilation device purifies the air inside.
The last one story we want to tell you about is ViKiLamp, an innovative lamp completely Made in Italy, designed by VikiCorp, a new Italian start-up that was born along the Riviera del Brenta thanks the union of two entrepreneurs who had joined forces with the focus to create a minimal object, with a stunning design combined with the using of high-technology.
ViKiLamp which take the name from the two first letters of the words Virus Killer, is a lamp that combined lighting and sanitizing in ambient in which is located. The rays UV-C irradiated in a space can kill every kind of bacteria and mold in every surfaces. The ambient is 99,99% sterile and it is completely safe.
A perfect lamp that could be used in private house, offices, hotels, shop and restaurants. It hasn’t got limits.
These are just three examples of how the world of design is trying to give its contribution in the fight against this horrible virus.
The true meaning of the word design and the true function of the design itself, maybe sometimes missed, trivialized and used out of turn, is to fill a need more than fill the aesthetics.
To mention the famous words of one of person who changed our lives and changed the way we lived, Steve Jobs, “the design is not like it seems or it shows. Design is how it works.”
And we can just to wish that this bad nightmare ends soon and that we came back in our everyday life before the Covid-19.